Careers After Graduation
- Hands-on RTOS-based Software Design
- Communication and media signal processing system design focused on mobile devices
- SoC Design for Hardware-Software Co-Design
Mid to Long Term Development Plan
Specialization Strategy
- Fostering human resources through work-oriented projects based on the Top-Down approach
- Fostering competitive human resources through English language courses and internationally recognized certification programs
- Fostering human resources through research-oriented learning based on self-driven learning and discussion
- Cooperation with related organizations, both domestic and abroad, for student exchange and research programs
Specializing in Workforce Development
- Developing a workforce that meets the needs of the industry
- Improving competence through team projects
- Improving the on-site experience
- Enhancing work planning and reporting skills
- Learn the latest process management techniques
Career Guidance through industry-university collaboration
- CEO/CTO Invitational Lectures
- Internship and Training Program
- Seminars with experts from universities and companies
On-site training through industry-university collaboration
- Fostering multimedia embedded system experts with practical and international experience
Career and Prospects
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